Introduction to AI in marketing


Contents of this training

01.AI in marketing
02.Applications of AI
03.Ethics & AI
04.Security & AI
AI in marketing
- What is Artificial Intelligence in marketing and why is it important? - Overview of the various applications of AI in marketing, including AI-based content marketing, AI-based customer targeting, data analytics and optimization, and AI-optimized search engine marketing (SEM).
Applications of AI
- How AI is used in marketing to better understand the target audience and deliver personalized content. - Case studies of successful AI applications in marketing in practice.
Ethics & AI
- What are the ethical challenges associated with using AI in marketing? - How can companies ensure ethical standards in their AI systems?
Security & AI
- What security aspects do companies need to consider when developing and implementing AI systems in marketing? - How can companies ensure the security of their AI systems in marketing?

For whom is this training suitable?

Marketing experts

Marketing professionals: the course provides a comprehensive overview of the various applications of AI in marketing, including AI-based content marketing, AI-based customer targeting, data analytics and optimization, and AI-optimized search engine marketing (SEM). Marketing experts can thus expand and improve their knowledge and skills.

Entrepreneur and CEO

By using AI in marketing, companies can increase their efficiency and effectiveness and thus gain a competitive advantage. The course offers insights into the various applications of AI in marketing and how companies can use it to achieve their business goals.

Students and young professionals

This training is especially suited for students and early career marketers or computer scientists who want to expand their knowledge of AI in marketing to stay current in today’s competitive business environment.

Do you want to take part in an in-house, online or on-site training?

Get in touch with us!